
Sarah Bessie
I’m an animal lover with a passion for hedgehogs. Since completing my zoology diploma, I am dedicating my time to collecting qualifications in animal biology and care, devoting my life to the wellbeing of this species through education and rescue.
Lizl van Vreden
I am from South Africa, my hedgery is Awesome Krimpvarkies. I am very passionate about hedgehogs, African Pygmy Hedgehogs and Southern African Hedgehogs in particular. I am also the head of the South Africa’s Hedgehogs Breeders Association. Most of my time outside work are dedicated to hedgehogs; learning more and reading up existing study papers, educating people regarding hedgehogs.
Nikki Kulak
I’ve worked with exotics for over 20 years. I got my first APH just after they were legalized in Arizona in 2016. I fell in love and got into breeding. My goal is to better the species through pedigrees and bettering the husbandry and the provided nutrition for hedgehogs in captivity.
Chelsey Vermillion
My name is Chelsey, and I’m from the USA. I have a background in biology and a love for all animals. I met my first hedgehog when a college friend brought her grumpy little guy to a sorority meeting. I instantly fell in love with hedgehogs, and especially the grumpy ones. I began educating myself on hedgehogs because I knew I wanted one and wanted to care for them properly. I brought my first hedgehog home in 2018, and she unexpectedly gifted me with five more. I kept two and found good homes for the other three. From there I have met many people within the hedgehog and breeding community to learn more and educate others.
Jay Proctor
I live in Europe and have interacted with both European and 4 toed hedgehogs since 2013. I have a background in history and geography. I can say “hedgehog” in most European languages.
Nicola Hocking
I have had African pygmy hedgehogs since January 2015. My first hedgehog I had from a breeder, but ever since then, they have all been rescues. My background has been nursing for over 20 years, mainly in critical care. I became disabled in 2007 and had to eventually give up work in late 2014. I am an admin on Hedgehog Snoots on Facebook, I have been a member since very early after it was started. I have helped several people with their hedgehogs, who had never had them before. I am really looking forward to volunteering for THP.
Saundra Swain
I am from the USA and first started learning about hedgehogs in mammalogy class in university and fell in love. I have a bachelor’s degree in biology with a focus on zoology. In 2015 I started researching hedgehogs as pets, and got my first hedgehog in 2016!